Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013..!!!!

   Do I have a new year's resolution...? Hmmm.... So far, NONE...!!!! BUT I hope that I could list out some or a few new year's list that I want to do this year.
   1) Now that I frequently 'balik kampung' to my no.2 home (heeheehee), I can kick myself up to go to the hotel's gym which the equipment there are not bad after all. The only problem is HOW can I kick myself up to go there when sleeping is the most important thing (REASON). I know...... (see list no.2)
   2) INSANITY (oppppsss) and my new indoor workout shoes (double oooopssss)
   3) No more whining when my PT ask me to do some specific exercise. I have to be strong and get through it. It's for my own good...!!!!!
   4) LEARN TO SWIM - Swim suit (the one like a diving suit) n goggles - checked
   5) Buy loose but nice clothes. Wear at my age, okay...!!!!
   6) SAVE, SAVE, and......... SAVE. :)

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