Monday 3 September 2012

Just Sharing - 24434

Oct 16, '07 7:36 AM
for everyone
Bayangkan bila pada saat kita berdoa kita mendengar ini:

"Terima kasih, Anda telah menghubungi Rumah Allah ". Pilihlah salah satu:

* Tekan 1 untuk 'meminta'.
* Tekan 2 untuk 'mengucap syukur'.
* Tekan 3 untuk 'mengeluh'.
* Tekan 4 untuk 'permintaan lainnya'."

Atau, bagaimana jika Malaikat memohon maaf seperti ini:

"Saat ini semua malaikat sedang membantu pelanggan lain. Tetaplah menunggu. Panggilan Anda akan dijawab berdasarkan urutannya."

Bisakah Anda bayangkan bila pada saat berdoa, Anda mendapat respons seperti ini:

"Jika Anda mau bicara dengan Malaikat Jibril, tekan 1.
Dengan Malaikat Mikail, tekan 2.
Dengan malaikat lainnya, tekan 3.
Jika Anda ingin mendengar sari tilawah saat Anda menunggu, tekan 4.
"Untuk jawaban pertanyaan tentang hakekat surga & neraka, silahkan tunggu sampai Anda tiba disini!!"

Atau bisa juga Anda mendengar ini :

"Komputer kami menunjukkan bahwa Anda telah satu kali menelpon hari ini, Silakan mencoba kembali esok hari."

"Kantor ini ditutup pada akhir minggu. Silakan menelpon kembali hari Senin setelah pukul 9

Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT mengasihi kita, Anda dapat menelponNya setiap saat!!!
Anda hanya perlu untuk memanggilnya kapan saja dan Dia mendengar Anda.
Karena bila memanggil Allah, Anda tidak akan pernah mendapat nada sibuk.
Allah menerima setiap panggilan dan mengetahui siapa pemanggilnya secara pribadi.

Ketika Anda memanggil, gunakan nomor utama ini: 24434

2 : shalat Subuh

4 : shalat Dzuhur

4 : shalat Ashar

3 : shalat Maghrib

4 : shalat Isya

Atau untuk lebih lengkapnya dan lebih banyak kemashlahatannya, gunakanlah nomor ini :

2 : shalat Subuh

8 : Shalat Dhuha

4 : shalat Dzuhur

4 : shalat Ashar

3 : shalat Maghrib

4 : shalat Isya

8 : Shalat Lail ( Tahajjud )

3 : Shalat Witir

Info selengkapnya ada di Buku Telepon berjudul "Al Qur'anul Karim & Hadits Rasul"
Langsung kontak, tanpa Operator tanpa Perantara, dan tanpa biaya.

Nomor 24434 dan 28443483 ini memiliki jumlah saluran hunting yang tak terbatas dan seluruhnya buka 24 jam sehari 7 hari seminggu 365 hari setahun !! Berapa milyarpun manusia di bumi termasuk kita yang pada saat bersamaan membutuhkan menghubungi-Nya!! ;)

Sebarkan informasi ini kepada orang-orang di sekeliling kita.Mana tahu mungkin mereka sedang membutuhkannya.

7 Kalimah ALLAH

Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W : "Barang siapa hafal tujuh kalimat, ia terpandang mulia
di sisi Allah dan Malaikat serta diampuni dosa-dosanya walau sebanyak buih lautan"

1. Mengucap Bismillah pada tiap-tiap hendakmelakukan sesuatu.

2. Mengucap Alhamdulillah pada tiap-tiap selesai melakukan sesuatu.

3. Mengucap Astaghfirullah jika lidah terselip perkataan yang tidak patut.

4. Mengucap Insya-Allah jika merencanakan berbuat sesuatu di hari esok.

5. Mengucap "La haula wala quwwata illa billah" jika menghadapi sesuatu tak disukai dan tak diingini.

6. Mengucap "inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'uun" jika menghadapi dan menerima musibah.

7. Mengucap "Laa ilaaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah" sepanjang siang dan malam sehingga tak terpisah dari lidahnya

Dari tafsir Hanafi, mudah-mudahan ingat, walau lambat-lambat mudah-mudahan selalu, walau sambil lalu mudah-mudahan jadi boleh, karena sudah biasa.

Monday 12 March 2012

Just A Thought,To Me....

   Kepada sesapa yang merasakan duit RM100 di berikan kepada murid sekolah atau kenaikan gaji 2-3 hari ni adalah disebabkan GE13 ni,buang lah tanggapan itu...Bersyukurlah kepada Allah S.W.T berikan rezeki kepada kamu sekalian..Kalau rasa bersalah jugak,elok lah duit tu buat bayar Zakat atau rasa mcm tak halal,Baitulmal kan ada.
   And one other thing, if you think the current situation with the two airlines that 'maybe tak jadi' is because of GE13 also,TO ME,is just poor management,lack of judgement,an easy way to get out from your own problems and GREED....


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Tips Renewing Passport

   I thank the Government for implementing the completion of renewing passport from 2 hours to 1 hour..Lets... This is just my humble opinion.

1) It's recommended to be there early because parking is plentiful and you can start your day ahead.

2) (For ladies mostly) Make sure you have a clean slate face but wear la a bit of neutral lipstick, powder and blotter so can remove that access oil before taking picture.. You don't want your picture to look like you've been slaving in the kitchen or 0001 Cinderella.. Hee..AND if you have zits,use a concealer

3) If you have longer hair like me,do a ponytail..Not half,not letting go but PONY TAIL.. To me, it looks so clean and fresh. I think the immigration officer will be glad to see the bearer's full face with minimal make up rather than they'll might say, " Aiyooo,why her face/hair like this..?" or "Ohmegad...Take it away, take it away...!!!!" Or my my mom would say with a military tone, "Loose the hair...!!"

4) I find out that wearing WHITE (be it a shirt or a 'tudung') is much much much better when taking a passport picture because it enhances your features and make that particular picture looked 'popped'..And again it looks fresh and clean. Let see if it applies the same when doing US Visa because the background will be white.

5) FINALLY,don't forget to bring and enough money to pay the passport,okayyyyyy...? And after 1 hour you will see the final result,forget about the flaws (like my midget pimples that scattered a few) because you are not doing a photo shoot for a famous magazine right...? Accept your imperfections... :)

 Have a nice day ...

Saturday 25 February 2012

Is there a difference between dating vs seeing someone...?

Okay,okay...I'm getting over excited from my last post, so I decided to the next one right now..!!!! Auuuu...
   Hmmmm.... I can't seem to crack my brain about this question up there because it's been in my brain since....since... April 2011.. So I've been Google-ing and I found an online dating site who have a few answers to this question...And one answer that caught my eye and made me smile until to my ears. :)

  Quote, "I don't think there is a clear-cut answer as everyone will interpret the terms differently. For the most part they are probably interchangeable. I do get the sense that dating is a step up from seeing someone. 

If you say you are seeing someone there could be uncertainty about how you feel about the person -- you are still getting to know them. 

If you say you are dating, you definitely like the person but haven't decided on the sustainability of the relationship. 

To take it a step further, people will also say dating exclusively. You are pretty sure at this point that you can sustain a relationship but don't are not ready to commit to girl/boyfriend labels.

It's like going to the beach... 

You walk up to the water, stick your toe in to feel the water. You take a couple of more steps until the water comes to your knees. (seeing each other)

You reach down and splash water over your body as you take a few more steps deeper in. (dating)

Finally, you submerse yourself, moving slowly as you try to adjust to the water temperature. You are still cold and consider turning back and getting your towel. (dating exclusively)

Your body adjusts to the cooler temperature of the water which now feels comfortable , allowing you to swim freely. (girl/boyfriend) ", Unquote - From 
Formerly known as ece7405
   So,there you go kids...!!!! Whether you like it to believe.. :)

Home Away from Home

   Hello there.... It's been a while since my first post..How are you guys..? Today I'm gonna talk about this tagline that I've come across long time ago. I forgot where it came from but it's fun talking about it.
   What is the definition of 'Home Away from Home'? Is it when I travel and checked-in into a hotel,does it provide its facilities like I have at home...? Hmmm.... If I want to compare what I have at home to the facilities that the hotel has, then it'll be BIG... No,HUUUUGE difference,right...?
   For instance,I would love my home to have a well pressured running water,a toilet bowl that doesn't crack every time I sat on it (oooops..!!!), a door that shuts easily without banging it,a flushing toilet that I don't have to do it manually..Hee.. A nice bed to sleep into, and the list goes on and on.
   BUT having said that, does the hotel provides 24hr of FREE Wi-Fi  to their guest who likes to be marinated in the room all the time..? 
   So share with me,what is your definition of 'Home Away from Home'. I would love to hear from you guys. Until then, nite2 and sweet dreams..

Monday 13 February 2012

Hello there....This is my first time as a blogger..First for everyone,right..? Ignore the profile pic,it's just temporary.. :p