Tuesday 28 February 2012

Tips Renewing Passport

   I thank the Government for implementing the completion of renewing passport from 2 hours to 1 hour..Lets... This is just my humble opinion.

1) It's recommended to be there early because parking is plentiful and you can start your day ahead.

2) (For ladies mostly) Make sure you have a clean slate face but wear la a bit of neutral lipstick, powder and blotter so can remove that access oil before taking picture.. You don't want your picture to look like you've been slaving in the kitchen or 0001 Cinderella.. Hee..AND if you have zits,use a concealer

3) If you have longer hair like me,do a ponytail..Not half,not letting go but PONY TAIL.. To me, it looks so clean and fresh. I think the immigration officer will be glad to see the bearer's full face with minimal make up rather than they'll might say, " Aiyooo,why her face/hair like this..?" or "Ohmegad...Take it away, take it away...!!!!" Or my my mom would say with a military tone, "Loose the hair...!!"

4) I find out that wearing WHITE (be it a shirt or a 'tudung') is much much much better when taking a passport picture because it enhances your features and make that particular picture looked 'popped'..And again it looks fresh and clean. Let see if it applies the same when doing US Visa because the background will be white.

5) FINALLY,don't forget to bring and enough money to pay the passport,okayyyyyy...? And after 1 hour you will see the final result,forget about the flaws (like my midget pimples that scattered a few) because you are not doing a photo shoot for a famous magazine right...? Accept your imperfections... :)

 Have a nice day ...

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