Saturday 25 February 2012

Is there a difference between dating vs seeing someone...?

Okay,okay...I'm getting over excited from my last post, so I decided to the next one right now..!!!! Auuuu...
   Hmmmm.... I can't seem to crack my brain about this question up there because it's been in my brain since....since... April 2011.. So I've been Google-ing and I found an online dating site who have a few answers to this question...And one answer that caught my eye and made me smile until to my ears. :)

  Quote, "I don't think there is a clear-cut answer as everyone will interpret the terms differently. For the most part they are probably interchangeable. I do get the sense that dating is a step up from seeing someone. 

If you say you are seeing someone there could be uncertainty about how you feel about the person -- you are still getting to know them. 

If you say you are dating, you definitely like the person but haven't decided on the sustainability of the relationship. 

To take it a step further, people will also say dating exclusively. You are pretty sure at this point that you can sustain a relationship but don't are not ready to commit to girl/boyfriend labels.

It's like going to the beach... 

You walk up to the water, stick your toe in to feel the water. You take a couple of more steps until the water comes to your knees. (seeing each other)

You reach down and splash water over your body as you take a few more steps deeper in. (dating)

Finally, you submerse yourself, moving slowly as you try to adjust to the water temperature. You are still cold and consider turning back and getting your towel. (dating exclusively)

Your body adjusts to the cooler temperature of the water which now feels comfortable , allowing you to swim freely. (girl/boyfriend) ", Unquote - From 
Formerly known as ece7405
   So,there you go kids...!!!! Whether you like it to believe.. :)

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